The road not taken summary pdf
The road not taken summary pdf

Which otherwise makes Frost – poetry a lovable touch of nature. By going through some of his famous poems this paper strives to bring out terror myth.

the road not taken summary pdf

While reading his poems we are stunned by magical influence of something lurking in and outside of the settings, giving an impression of predatorily being watched. Deep underlying tones, exhibit dark niches which lay hidden if read cursory.

the road not taken summary pdf

" Specifically, presence of death in Frost's poems strikes the reader with awe and fear. Readers, through mythological subject matter, are engrossed in his " ulterior meanings. The pastoral phenomenon leaves indelible impressions of elevated passions. There is stunning sublimity in all of his poems, rendering deeper insights into them. His characters reflect about moral and metaphysical quest in domestic as well as pastoral locales.


Full of Keatsean " negative capability " Frost's characters augment the settings of uncertainty, dark mysteries and doubts. He very sublimely strikes terror in himself as well as in the readers. This piece of writing analyzes the fear element in Robert Frost poetry. At the end of the same stanza the speaker recalls his grief "as the hope-hour stroked its sum," and in the second stanza he refers to himself, wistfully, as "a time-torn man." Time and the woman are against him, no less than Nature and the woman in "Neutral Tones." The luxuriant self-pity of these lines, their dignified indignation at the woman’s lack of “pure lovingkindness,” anticipates the mature work of Yeats. "You did not come," the poem begins, "And marching Time drew on, and wore me numb…" Set in grammatical parallel, the inaction of "you" and the action of "Time" conspire to disappoint. In "A Broken Appointment," which finds Hardy’s speaker quarreling with a woman over an unrequited love, it’s Time in particular that allies with the Other. His poems tend to know where they stand, and argue with each other more than with themselves: that is the source of their limitations but also of their pugnacious greatness.

the road not taken summary pdf

Abstract That is, he rarely brings such markedly clashing attitudes into close conjunction.

The road not taken summary pdf